heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

heparin-induced thrombocytopenia teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia heparine bağlı trombositopeni

heparin-induced thrombocytopenia terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

o heparin induced thrombocytopenia o heparine bağlı trombositopeni
heparin-induced heparin kaynaklı
thrombocytopenia trombositopeni
thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome trombositopeni olmayan yarıçap sendromu
immune thrombocytopenia immün trombositopeni
idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura idiyopatik trombositopeni purpurası
mild thrombocytopenia hafif trombositopeni
severe thrombocytopenia şiddetli trombositopeni
moderate thrombocytopenia orta derecede trombositopeni
idiopathic thrombocytopenia idiyopatik trombositopeni
immune mediated thrombocytopenia bağışıklık aracılı trombositopeni
heparin heparin
unfractionated heparin fraksiyone edilmemiş heparin
heparin lock heparin kilidi
heparin sodium heparin sodyum
lithium heparin lityum heparin
low molecular weight heparin düşük moleküler ağırlıklı heparin
heparin flush heparin floş
sodium heparin sodyum heparin
heparin bonded heparin bağlı
heparin therapy heparin tedavisi
heparin infusion heparin infüzyonu
heparin bonding heparin bağı
heparin solution heparin çözeltisi
heparin coating heparin kaplama
subcutaneous heparin deri altı heparin
heparin lithium heparin lityum
heparin was stopped heparin durduruldu
low-dose unfractionated heparin düşük doz fraksiyone edilmemiş heparin
low molecular heparin düşük moleküler heparin
heparin tube heparin tüpü
low dose heparin düşük doz heparin
ammonium heparin amonyum heparin
coumadin, heparin, aspirin kumarin, heparin, aspirin
reaction to heparin heparine reaksiyon
intravenous heparin intravenöz heparin
solution containing heparin heparin içeren solüsyon
heparin test tube heparin test tüpü
treatment with heparin heparin ile tedavi
heparin, warfarin heparin, warfarin
heparin nadroparin heparin nadroparin
h-heparin h-heparin
heparin and fondaparinux heparin ve fondaparinux
heparin lock solution heparin kilit çözümü
treatment of heparin heparin tedavisi
heparin anticoagulant heparin antikoagülanı
forms of heparin heparin formları
excess heparin heparin fazlası
heparin bonded graft heparine bağlı greft
heparin catheter heparin kateter