our company have had

our company have had teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
our company have had firmamız oldu

our company have had terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

he had had had vardı
company might have had şirket olabilirdi
have had had vardı
i had to have had sahip olmalıydım
we have had our biz sahip olduk
we have had our differences farklılıklarımız oldu
have had our eye on gözüm üzerinde
we have to put our money where our mouth is paramızı ağzımızın olduğu yere koymalıyız
i would have liked to have had sahip olmak isterdim
have been shown to have had sahip olduğu gösterildi
have or have had in the past geçmişte yaşadım ya da yaşadım
would have like to had have sahip olmak isterdim
would have liked to have had sahip olmak isterdi
have been reported to have had sahip olduğu bildirildi
that have come to our notice, or which we have tested bu bizim bildirimize geldi, ya da test ettik.
company-by-company basis şirket bazında
from company to company şirketten şirkete
company's parent company şirketin ana şirketi
company secretary of the company şirketin şirket sekreteri
hudson bay company company hudson bay şirketi
several company codes are involved in a cross-company code t birkaç şirket kodları bir şirket kodunda yer alır
from a company to company bir şirketten şirkete
company to company transactions firmadan firmaya işlemler
the company has had şirket oldu
had during the normal life of the company and şirketin normal ömrü boyunca vardı ve
the company had experienced şirket yaşadı
had worked in the company for six weeks altı hafta boyunca şirkette çalışmış
company had a business şirketin bir işi vardı
the company had a total of şirketin toplam vardı
the company had been growing şirket büyüyordu
company had no commitments şirketin taahhütleri yoktu
had benefited the company şirkete fayda sağladı
our company şirketimiz
about our company firmamız hakkında
at our company firmamızda
from our company firmamızdan
in our company firmamızda
our parent company ana şirketimiz
across our company firmamız genelinde
our sister company kardeş şirketimiz
introduce our company firmamız tanıtmak
for our company firmamız için
throughout our company firmamız genelinde
join our company firmamıza katılın
thank you for choosing our company firmamızı seçtiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz
evolve our company firmamızı geliştirmek
within our company firmamız içinde
through our company firmamız aracılığıyla
of our company firmamızın
our company provides firmamız sağlar