a route which would

a route which would teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
a route which would olacak bir rota

a route which would terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

route to route extrapolation ekstrapolasyona yönlendirmek için rota
route which include içeren rota
a route which include içeren bir rota
on which route hangi yolda
which is which hangisi hangisi
which which hangisi
which should form the basis on which to build a unanimous hangi oybirliği inşa etmek için temel oluşturmalı
at least one of which move and which are joined together for en az bir tanesi hareket eden ve bir araya getirilmiş
work which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is doğası gereği veya içinde bulunduğu koşullar
whats in a name that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet bir ismin içinde başka bir ismin gülü dediğimiz şey tatlı kokardı.
which would be hangisi olurdu
which would otherwise başka türlü
which would allow hangi izin verecek
which would result in hangi sonuçlanacak
which would help hangi yardımcı olur
which would mean bu demek oluyor
which would include hangisini içerir
which would have hangisi olurdu
which would in turn sırayla
which would have been hangisi olurdu
which would explain hangisi açıklayacak
which would render him bu onu yapacak
which would make hangi yapacak
which would lead hangi yol açar
which would be expected beklenen
which would cause hangi neden olur
which would require hangi gerektirir
which would prevent hangisini önleyecekti
which would render hangi
which would imply bu da ima eder
which would otherwise be payable başka türlü ödenecek olan
which would contain hangisini içerir
which would see hangisini görecekti
which one would hangisi
which we would hangisini yapardık
which would like hangisi ister
which would normally hangi normalde
which would mean that bu demek ki
which would interfere hangi müdahale ederdi
which would enable to hangi sağlayacak
which i would hangisini yapardım
which would amount to hangi tutar
which would reduce hangi azaltacaktır
which would become hangisi olur
which would cause the application uygulama neden olur
which would involve hangisini içeren
which would have the effect hangi etkisi olurdu
which would cause the application of the laws bu yasaların uygulanmasına neden olur
which would reflect hangi yansıtacak
which by their nature would continue beyond the termination doğası gereği sona erme işleminin ötesine