this novel device

this novel device teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
this novel device bu yeni cihaz

this novel device terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

novel-within-a-novel yeni-içinde-roman
novel device yeni cihaz
device-by-device basis cihaz bazında
device-to-device communication cihazdan cihaza iletişim
imaging device device görüntüleme cihazı
device-to-device replication cihazdan cihaza çoğaltma
dime novel dime romanı
epistolary novel epistolar roman
historical novel tarihi roman
nonfiction novel kurgusal olmayan roman
novel yeni
psychological novel psikolojik roman
graphic novel çizgi roman
novel approach yeni yaklaşım
novel idea yeni fikir
novel food yeni yemek
crime novel suç romanı
novel way yeni yol
detective novel polisiye roman
novel excipients yeni yardımcı maddeler
throughout the novel roman boyunca
novel solutions yeni çözümler
a novel bir roman
novel features yeni özellikler
best-selling novel en çok satan roman
novel virus yeni virüs
novel term yeni terim
romance novel romantik roman
debut novel ilk romanı
novel concept roman kavramı
novel method yeni yöntem
novel treatment yeni tedavi
novel technology yeni teknoloji
novel information yeni bilgi
novel technologies yeni teknolojiler
gripping novel sürükleyici romanı
novel influenza yeni grip
in novel ways yeni yollarla
novel therapies yeni tedaviler
novel agents yeni ajanlar
novel product yeni ürün
historic novel tarihi roman
the novel is set in roman ayarlandı
novel drugs yeni ilaçlar
mystery novel gizem romanı
short novel kısa roman
novel compounds yeni bileşikler
novel materials yeni malzemeler
new and novel yeni ve yeni
novel one yeni olan