they were sceptical

they were sceptical teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
they were sceptical şüpheci oldular

they were sceptical terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

were sceptical şüpheci
they are sceptical şüpheci
sceptical şüpheci
sceptical about hakkında şüpheci
remain sceptical şüpheli kal
been sceptical of kuşkulu olmak
be sceptical of şüpheci olmak
is sceptical şüpheci
i was sceptical şüpheliydim
i am sceptical şüpheliyim
sceptical that şüpheci
sceptical of claims iddiaların şüphesi
sceptical approach şüpheci yaklaşım
was sceptical şüpheci oldu
are sceptical şüpheci
raise a sceptical eyebrow şüpheci bir kaş kaldırmak
sceptical eye şüpheci göz
remain sceptical about şüphelenmek
was sceptical about hakkında şüpheci oldu
had been sceptical şüpheci olmuştu
grown sceptical about hakkında şüpheci büyüdü
taking a more sceptical approach daha şüpheci bir yaklaşım benimsemek
sceptical neighbours şüpheci komşular
deeply sceptical derinden kuşkulu
has been sceptical şüpheci oldu
sceptical concerning şüpheli
somewhat sceptical biraz şüpheci
they knew what they were doing ne yaptıklarını biliyorlardı
if they were they could eğer yapabilselerdi
they told me they were bana olduklarını söylediler
and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by ve dans edenlerin çılgınca olduğu düşünülüyordu.
were were you sen miydin
were were the party? parti miydi
if were were to olsaydı
if i were a were eğer olsaydım
they were onlar
as they were oldukları gibi
as if they were sanki onlar gibiydi
they were given onlara verildi
they were killed onlar öldürüldü
if they were to eğer öyleyse
they were able to yapabildiler
they were married evlilerdi
were they olduklarını
they were asked onlar istendi
they were forced onlar zorlandı
they were wrong yanılıyorlardı
they were supposed to onlar gerekiyordu
they were going to gidiyorlardı
they were told söylendi