pretty neighbourhood

pretty neighbourhood teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
pretty neighbourhood güzel mahalle

pretty neighbourhood terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

pretty-pretty cici cici
pretty pretty cici cici
she is pretty pretty o çok güzel
pretty so pretty çok çok güzel
you look pretty pretty çok hoş görünüyorsun
neighbourhood komşuluk
neighbourhood warden mahalle müdürü
neighbourhood watch mahalle izle
european neighbourhood policy avrupa komşuluk politikası
european neighbourhood instrument avrupa mahalle aracı
neighbourhood policy komşuluk politikası
southern neighbourhood güney mahalle
european neighbourhood and partnership instrument avrupa mahalle ve ortaklık aracı
european neighbourhood avrupa mahalle
in the neighbourhood mahallede
local neighbourhood yerel mahalle
immediate neighbourhood yakın mahalle
residential neighbourhood yerleşim bölgesi
neighbourhood countries mahalle ülkeleri
eastern neighbourhood doğu mahalle
neighbourhood policing mahalle polisliği
surrounding neighbourhood çevre mahalle
neighbourhood council mahalle konseyi
rough neighbourhood kaba mahalle
neighbourhood crime mahalle suçu
run down neighbourhood mahalle kaçmak
neighbourhood investment facility mahalle yatırım tesisi
neighbourhood association mahalle derneği
lively neighbourhood canlı mahalle
neighbourhood services mahalle hizmetleri
friendly neighbourhood dostça mahalle
neighbourhood groups mahalle grupları
trendy neighbourhood popüler mahalle
poor neighbourhood fakir mahalle
in my neighbourhood benim mahallemde
city neighbourhood şehir mahalle
eastern and southern neighbourhood doğu ve güney mahalle
around the neighbourhood mahalle çevresinde
neighbourhood school mahalle okulu
deprived neighbourhood yoksun mahalle
network neighbourhood ağ mahalle
eu neighbourhood ab mahalle
neighbourhood community mahalle topluluğu
in your neighbourhood mahallede
neighbourhood-based mahalle bazlı
neighbourhood office mahalle bürosu
wealthy neighbourhood zengin mahalle
working class neighbourhood işçi sınıfı mahallesi
quiet neighbourhood sessiz mahalle
prosperous neighbourhood müreffeh mahalle