text would read

text would read teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
text would read metin okuyacak

text would read terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

source text and target text kaynak metin ve hedef metin
text o text metin o metin
read the text metni oku
read the following text aşağıdaki metni oku
read the text again metni tekrar oku
text read as follows metin şöyle okundu
read the text carefully metni dikkatlice oku
read the text aloud metni sesli oku
the text should read metin okumalı
read into the text metnin içine okumak
read through a text bir metni oku
the text should read as follows metin aşağıdaki gibi okunmalı
can't read text file metin dosyasını okuyamıyor
the text which i read okuduğum metin
read the whole text tüm metni oku
read text book ders kitabı oku
read more text daha fazla metin oku
text will read metin okuyacak
i would read okurum
would have read okuyabilirdi
would read as follows aşağıdaki gibi okurdu
she would read o okurdu
i would like to ask you to read senden okumanı rica ediyorum
you would read okurdun
people would read insanlar okuyacak
the proposal would read as follows teklif aşağıdaki gibi okunacaktır
would be willing to read okumak istekli olur
he would read o okurdu
i would be grateful if you would eğer istersen minnettar olurum
we would appreciate it if you would eğer istersen memnun oluruz
i would appreciate it if you would eğer istersen memnun olurum
i would be grateful if you would kindly nazik olursanız minnettar olurum
would be grateful if you would eğer istersen minnettar olurum
i would be grateful if you would confirm onaylarsan minnettar olurum
what would would be ne olurdu
would or would not be olur veya olmaz
i would appreciate it if you would send gönderirseniz sevinirim
we would a appreciate it if you would eğer istersen seviniriz
would someone would give me biri bana verecek mi
we would appreciate it if you would kindly nazikçe yaparsanız seviniriz
the measure would repeal laws that would allow businesses tedbir işletmelere izin verecek yasaları yürürlükten kaldıracak
, we would be grateful if you would inform , bilgilendirirseniz minnettar oluruz
church text kilise metni
cover text kapak metni
drunk text sarhoş metin
plain text düz metin
running text çalışan metin
sex-text seks metin
text metin
text blindness metin körlüğü