oil and gas concern

oil and gas concern teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
oil and gas concern petrol ve gaz endişesi

oil and gas concern terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

oil and gas exploration and production petrol ve gaz arama ve üretim
retail sector, icem in the mining and oil and gas sectors, a perakende sektörü, madencilik ve petrol ve gaz sektörlerinde icem,
upstream midstream and downstream oil and gas yukarı akış orta ve aşağı akış yağ ve gaz
oil and gas production and exploration petrol ve gaz üretimi ve keşfi
drilling rigs, oil and gas exploration and production sondaj kuleleri, petrol ve gaz arama ve üretim
mining and oil and gas sectors madencilik ve petrol ve gaz sektörleri
zero gas and span gas sıfır gaz ve açıklıklı gaz
oil and gas yağ ve gaz
oil and gas industry petrol ve gaz endüstrisi
oil and gas company petrol ve gaz şirketi
oil and gas sector petrol ve gaz sektörü
oil and gas exploration petrol ve gaz arama
oil and gas companies petrol ve gaz şirketleri
oil and gas drilling petrol ve gaz sondajı
offshore oil and gas açık deniz petrol ve gaz
oil and gas industries petrol ve gaz endüstrisi
oil and gas fields petrol ve gaz alanları
oil and gas pipelines petrol ve gaz boru hatları
upstream oil and gas memba petrol ve gaz
oil and gas properties petrol ve gaz özellikleri
oil and natural gas petrol ve doğal gaz
oil and gas development petrol ve gaz gelişimi
offshore oil and gas industry açık deniz petrol ve gaz endüstrisi
oil and gas resources petrol ve gaz kaynakları
oil and gas wells petrol ve gaz kuyuları
oil and gas production petrol ve gaz üretimi
oil and gas facilities petrol ve gaz tesisleri
oil and gas assets petrol ve gaz varlıkları
oil and gas extraction petrol ve gaz çıkarma
oil and gas operations petrol ve gaz operasyonları
oil and gas operators petrol ve gaz operatörleri
oil and gas upstream petrol ve doğal gaz girişi
oil and gas business petrol ve gaz ticareti
domestic oil and gas supplies evsel petrol ve gaz kaynakları
oil and gas activities petrol ve gaz faaliyetleri
oil and gas products petrol ve gaz ürünleri
international association of oil and gas producers uluslararası petrol ve gaz üreticileri birliği
upstream oil and gas industry memba petrol ve gaz endüstrisi
offshore oil and gas operations açık deniz petrol ve gaz operasyonları
oil and gas exploration company petrol ve gaz arama şirketi
oil and gas projects petrol ve gaz projeleri
integrated oil and gas company entegre petrol ve gaz şirketi
downstream oil and gas akış aşağı yağ ve gaz
in the oil and gas industry petrol ve gaz endüstrisinde
offshore oil and gas development açık deniz petrol ve gaz geliştirme
oil and gas equipment petrol ve gaz ekipmanı
oil and gas majors petrol ve gaz şirketleri
oil and gas producers petrol ve gaz üreticileri
unconventional oil and gas geleneksel olmayan yağ ve gaz
oil and gas revenues petrol ve gaz gelirleri