that they would bring

that they would bring teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
that they would bring getireceklerini

that they would bring terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

they would bring getirdiler
if they did, they would yapsalardı yaparlardı
would bring getirirdi
would bring about yol açacak
i would like to bring getirmek istiyorum
i would bring getirirdim
it would bring getirecekti
would bring with it onunla beraber gelirdi
i would try bring getirmeyi deneyeceğim
would you please bring lütfen getirir misin
would bring about the collapse of çöküşünü getirecek
would finally bring sonunda getirecekti
would always bring her zaman getirirdi
would be bring getirecekti
would bring major improvements önemli gelişmeler getirecekti
what would i bring ne getireyim
democracy would bring demokrasi getirecek
you would bring getirirdin
i would like you to bring getirmeni istiyorum
i would be able to bring getirebilirim
would bring significant added value önemli katma değer getirirdi
i feel that i would bring getireceğimi hissediyorum
i should be grateful if you would bring getirirseniz minnettar olmalıyım
the project would bring about proje getirecek
would bring the definition tanımı getirecekti
would probably not bring muhtemelen getirmez
i would have to bring getirmek zorunda kalacağım
would seek to bring together bir araya getirmek isterim
would bring benefit fayda getirirdi
would bring back geri getirecekti
would bring the average ortalama getirecekti
would bring it down aşağı indirecekti
i feel it would bring getireceğini hissediyorum
you would like me to bring benim getirmemi isterdin
would bring forward öne çıkar
god would bring tanrı getirecek
would help bring getirmek yardımcı olur
what benefits would bring ne gibi faydalar getirebilir
benefits it would bring getireceği faydalar
would bring bad luck kötü şans getirirdi
would bring him onu getirirdi
would soon bring yakında getirecekti
they bring onlar getirir
they will bring getirecekler
they bring with them yanlarında getirdiler
they bring about onlar getirdi
they bring together bir araya getiriyorlar
that they bring getirdikleri
as they bring getirdikleri gibi
they bring out ortaya çıkarlar