had plummeted

had plummeted teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
had plummeted düşmüş

had plummeted terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

plummeted düşmüş
have plummeted düşmüş
has plummeted çöktü
prices plummeted fiyatlar düştü
temperatures plummeted düşmüş sıcaklıklar
stocks plummeted stokları düştü
plummeted from düşmüş
the market plummeted pazar düştü
price plummeted fiyat düşüşü
plummeted drastically sertçe düşmüş
has plummeted by more than 99 percent yüzde 99'dan fazla düştü
i plummeted düşmüştüm
sales have plummeted satışlar düştü
would have plummeted düşmüş olurdu
plummeted over düşmüş
the stock exchange plummeted borsa düştü
has plummeted by 100,000-fold 100.000 kat azaldı
plummeted by more than fazladan düşmüş
popularity has plummeted popülerlik azaldı
availability plummeted kullanılabilirlik düşmüş
morale plummeted moral bozuldu
plummeted further daha da düşmüş
plummeted in value değeri düşmüş
stock plummeted stoktaki düşüş
he had had had vardı
had had vardı
i had had vardı
we had had vardı
he had had o vardı
if i had had eğer olsaydı
you had had sahiptin
i hope you had had umarım geçirmişsindir
had had enough yetti
they had had onlar vardı
she had had o vardı
had not had sahip değildi
would had had olurdu
i wish i had had keşke olsaydı
if you had had olsaydı
i had not had sahip değildim
i had ever had hiç sahiptim
if we had had eğer olsaydı
had never had hiç sahip olmadı
i had never had hiç sahip olmadım
there had had vardı
i wish we had had keşke olsaydı
had just had yeni vardı
had had dinner akşam yemeği yedim
had had been olmuştu
it had had vardı