downtrodden neighborhood

downtrodden neighborhood teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
downtrodden neighborhood downtrodden mahalle

downtrodden neighborhood terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

downtrodden ezilen
downtrodden people downtrodden insanlar
downtrodden, the stranger downtrodden, yabancı
neighborhood after neighborhood mahalleden sonra mahalle
from neighborhood to neighborhood mahalleden mahalleye
epsilon-neighborhood epsilon-mahalle
in the neighborhood of mahallesinde
neighborhood komşuluk
neighborhood watch mahalle izle
neighborhood school mahalle okulu
network neighborhood ağ mahalle
neighborhood association mahalle derneği
immediate neighborhood yakın mahalle
neighborhood center mahalle merkezi
neighborhood development mahalle gelişimi
my neighborhood komşum
in the neighborhood mahallede
upscale neighborhood lüks mahalle
neighborhood market komşuluk pazarı
rough neighborhood kaba mahalle
surrounding neighborhood çevre mahalle
neighborhood-based mahalle bazlı
neighborhood house mahalle evi
local neighborhood yerel mahalle
somewhere in the neighborhood of mahallesinde bir yerde
suburban neighborhood banliyö mahallesi
neighborhood council mahalle konseyi
residential neighborhood yerleşim bölgesi
neighborhood community mahalle topluluğu
in your neighborhood mahallede
neighborhood locations mahalle yerleri
neighborhood level mahalle seviyesi
neighborhood stabilization program mahalle istikrar programı
neighborhood groups mahalle grupları
neighborhood watch program mahalle izleme programı
neighborhood bar mahalle barı
friendly neighborhood dostça mahalle
neighborhood outreach mahalle sosyal
neighborhood revitalization mahalle yeniden canlandırılması
affluent neighborhood zengin mahalle
neighborhood committees mahalle komiteleri
neighborhood team mahalle takımı
urban neighborhood kentsel mahalle
your neighborhood komşun
neighborhood safety mahalle güvenliği
neighborhood parks mahalle parkları
working class neighborhood işçi sınıfı mahallesi
neighborhood shops mahalle dükkanları
neighborhood crime mahalle suçu
neighborhood services mahalle hizmetleri