moral commandments

moral commandments teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
moral commandments ahlaki emirler

moral commandments terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

commandments emir
ten commandments on emir
the ten commandments on emir
10 commandments 10 emir
follow the commandments emirlere uy
obey commandments emirlere uy
thin commandments ince emirler
keep the commandments emirleri sakla
fulfill the commandments emirleri yerine getirmek
if you would enter life, keep the commandments hayata gireceksen emirleri yerine getir.
biblical ten commandments incil on emir
god's commandments tanrının emirleri
obey your commandments emirlerine uy
tablet of ten commandments on emir tableti
list of the ten commandments on emir listesi
fifth commandments beşinci emirler
broke the commandments emirleri bozdu
observance of the commandments emirlerin yerine getirilmesi
commandments tell us emirler bize söyler
his commandments onun emirleri
kept the commandments emirleri sakladım
two commandments iki emir
observed the commandments emirleri gözlemledim
through your commandments emirlerin aracılığıyla
the commandments of jesus isa'nın emirleri
tablets of the ten commandments on emirden tabletler
on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. bu iki emir üzerine tüm yasaları ve peygamberleri asın.
moral manevi
moral compass ahlaki pusula
moral hazard ahlaki tehlike
moral majority ahlaki çoğunluk
moral philosophy ahlak felsefesi
moral re-armament ahlaki yeniden silahlanma
moral rearmament ahlaki yeniden silahlanma
moral sense ahlaki anlamda
moral support manevi destek
moral theology ahlaki teoloji
moral turpitude ahlaksızlık
non-moral ahlaki olmayan
zorrilla y moral zorrilla y ahlaki
moral rights ahlaki haklar
moral high ground manevi yüksek zemin
good moral character iyi ahlaki karakter
moral character ahlaki karakter
moral values ahlaki değerler
moral imperative ahlaki zorunluluk
moral suasion ahlaki tecavüz
moral of the story hikayeden çıkarılacak ders
moral standards ahlaki standartlar
moral outrage ahlaki öfke