would not hear of it

would not hear of it teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
would not hear of it bunu duymazdım

would not hear of it terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

hear, hear duy, duy
hear hear duy duy duy
would not hear duymazdım
we would love to hear from you sizden haber almak isteriz
we would like to hear from you sizden duymak istiyoruz
i would be happy to hear from you senden haber almaktan mutlu olurum
i would like to hear from you senden duymak istiyorum
i would like to hear duymak isterim
i would love to hear from you senden duymak çok isterim
we would be happy to hear from you sizden haber almaktan mutlu oluruz
would love to hear from you sizden duymak isterim
would like to hear from you sizden duymak istiyorum
would like to hear duymak istiyorum
i would be grateful to hear from you sizden haber almak için minnettar olurum
i would be grateful to hear duyduğuma minnettar olurum
i would be delighted to hear from you senden haber almaktan memnun olurum
i would like to hear about duymak isterim
we would love to hear duymak isteriz
would love to hear duymak isterdim
we would be delighted to hear from you sizden duymak bizi memnun eder
i would like to hear your opinions görüşlerinizi duymak isterim
we would hear duyardık
would be happy to hear duymak mutlu olur
would never hear asla duymazdım
i would appreciate to hear duyduğuma memnun olurum
we would rather hear duymayı tercih ederiz
would very much like to hear from you sizden haber almak isterdim
would love to hear from duymak isterdim
would like to hear your opinion fikrini duymak istiyorum
would hear my voice sesimi duyardım
we would be glad to hear duyduğumuz için memnun oluruz
we would love to hear from bizden haber almak isteriz
we would love to hear your questions sorularınızı duymak isteriz
it would be nice to hear duymak güzel olurdu
e would love to hear from you e sizden haber almak isterim
would like to hear about hakkında duymak istiyorum
we would be delighted to hear duymaktan memnuniyet duyarız
would or would not be olur veya olmaz
will not hear of duymayacak
not hear duyamıyorum
i did not hear duymadım
we did not hear duymadık
i do not hear duymuyorum
did not hear anything hiçbir şey duymadım
i did not hear you seni duymadım
i will not hear of duymayacağım
i did not hear anything hiçbir şey duymadım
if we do not hear from bizden haber alamazsak
do not hear well iyi duyma
she did not hear the story as many women have heard the same birçok kadın aynı şeyi duyduğu için hikayeyi duymadı