supply several thousand

supply several thousand teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
supply several thousand birkaç bin tedarik

supply several thousand terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

several hundred to several thousand birkaç yüz ila birkaç bin
thousand thousand bin bin
thousand upon thousand binde bin
one hundred thousand and ten thousand yüz bin on bin
across a thousand thousand bin binin üzerinde
several thousand birkaç bin
several hundred thousand birkaç yüz bin
several thousand people birkaç bin kişi
several thousand years ago birkaç bin yıl önce
several thousand pounds birkaç bin lira
several thousand feet birkaç bin fit
several thousand dollars birkaç bin dolar
several thousand euros birkaç bin euro
several thousand times birkaç bin kez
several hundred thousand people birkaç yüz bin kişi
the last several thousand years son birkaç bin yıl
over several thousand birkaç binin üzerinde
several hundred thousand pounds birkaç yüz bin lira
several thousand more birkaç bin daha
several thousand global birkaç bin global
as much as several thousand birkaç bin kadar
several hundred thousand of which birkaç yüz bin
worth several hundred thousand birkaç yüz bin değerinde
several thousand dollars less birkaç bin dolar daha az
as many as several thousand birkaç bin kadar
several thousand applications birkaç bin uygulama
caused several thousand deaths birkaç bin ölüme neden oldu
several thousand objects birkaç bin nesne
several thousand products birkaç bin ürün
several thousand kilograms birkaç bin kilogram
several thousand patients birkaç bin hasta
bat one thousand bin tane vuruş
face that launched a thousand ships, was this the bin gemi fırlattı yüz, bu oldu
one [or a] picture is worth a thousand words bir [veya a] resim bin kelimeye bedeldir
one picture is worth a thousand words bir resim bin kelimeye bedeldir
one thousand guineas bin gine
picture is worth a thousand words, one resim bin kelimeye bedel
sixty-four thousand dollar question altmış dört bin dolarlık soru
thousand bin
thousand and one nights bin bir gece
thousand days bin gün
thousand guineas bin gine
thousand island bin ada
thousand island dressing bin adalar süslemesi
thousand islands bin ada
thousand oaks bin tane meşe
thousand-jacket bin-ceket
twenty thousand leagues under the sea deniz altında yirmi bin lig
two thousand guineas iki bin gine
valley of ten thousand smokes on bin sigara içen vadi