school system

school system teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
school system okul sistemi

school system terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

middle school high school orta okul lise
from school to school okuldan okula
in-school and after-school okul içi ve okul sonrası
on a school by school basis okul bazında okul bazında
high school school teacher lise öğretmeni
your school school okul okulun
on school by school basis okul bazında okul bazında
a school official is a person employed by the school okul görevlisi okul tarafından istihdam edilen kişidir
pre-school-and-elementary-school children okul öncesi ve ilkokul çocukları
school-by-school basis okul bazında
pre-school and school okul öncesi ve okul
middle school and junior high school ortaokul ve ortaokul
high school, middle school lise, ortaokul
public school system devlet okulu sistemi
european school system avrupa okul sistemi
school grading system okul sınıflandırma sistemi
school voucher system okul kuponu sistemi
the secondary school system ortaokul sistemi
formal school system resmi okul sistemi
county school system ilçe okulu sistemi
school lottery system okul piyango sistemi
american school system amerikan okul sistemi
regular school system normal okul sistemi
catholic school system katolik okul sistemi
school management system okul yönetim sistemi
country's school system ülke okul sistemi
elementary school system ilkokul sistemi
bilingual school system iki dilli okul sistemi
school level system okul seviyesi sistemi
school education system okul eğitim sistemi
segregated school system ayrılmış okul sistemi
new york public school system new york devlet okulu sistemi
pre-school system okul öncesi sistemi
general school system genel okul sistemi
outside of the school system okul sisteminin dışında
cloud-based system -based system bulut tabanlı sistem tabanlı sistem
system by system basis sistem bazında sistem
on a system-by-system basis sistem bazında
from system to system sistemden sisteme
after-school okuldan sonra
alternative school alternatif okul
approved school onaylanmış okul
ash can school kül okul olabilir
ashcan school ashcan okulu
b school b okulu
barbizon school barbizon okulu
beacon school fener okulu
bible school incil okulu
board school tahta okulu
boarding school yatılı okul