has become fair game.

has become fair game. teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
has become fair game. adil bir oyun haline geldi.

has become fair game. terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

become fair game adil ol oyunu
from game to game oyundan oyuna
fair game adil oyun
my game is fair play benim oyunum, adil oyun
fair game for için adil bir oyun
is fair game adil bir oyundur
are fair game adil oyun
it's fair game bu adil bir oyun
a fair game adil bir oyun
are all fair game hepsi adil oyun
all fair game tüm adil oyun
be fair game adil ol oyunu
a fair game for için adil bir oyun
everything is a fair game her şey adil bir oyundur
it's a fair game adil bir oyundur
fair's fair dürüst adil
become the name of the game oyunun adı ol
become,became,become olmak oldu olmuştu
become becoming becomes a to become olmak olmak olmak
become become haline gelmek
the game has changed oyun değişti
has been a game changer bir oyun değiştirici oldu
has changed the game oyunu değiştirdi
the game has already begun oyun zaten başladı
has reached the end game sona ulaştı
the game has ended oyun bitti
once the game has been released oyun yayınlandıktan sonra
the game has beginning oyun başlıyor
has its fair share of adil payına sahip
there has been a fair amount adil bir miktar olmuştur
there has been a fair bir fuar oldu
has become olmuş
it has become oldu
it has become clear belli oldu
has become available kullanılabilir hale geldi
he has become o oldu
has become aware farkında oldu
has become apparent belli oldu
has grown to become olmak için büyüdü
has become popular popüler oldu
it has become clear that belli oldu ki
has become due nedeniyle oldu
she has become o oldu
has since become o zamandan beri
has become the norm norm haline geldi
has become increasingly giderek arttı
has become clear netleşti
it has become necessary gerekli oldu
has become known bilinen oldu
has become increasingly important giderek daha önemli hale geldi