households worth

households worth teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
households worth hane halkı

households worth terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

households and non-profit institutions serving households haneler ve hanelere hizmet eden kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlar
net worth of households hanelerin net değeri
anything worth having is worth working for sahip olmaya değer bir şey için çalışmaya değer
private households özel haneler
poor households yoksul haneler
low-income households düşük gelirli hane
female-headed households kadın başlı haneler
heads of households hane reisi
rural households kırsal hane
individual households bireysel haneler
married households evli haneler
wealthy households zengin haneler
income households gelir haneleri
vulnerable households savunmasız haneler
american households amerikan haneleri
single heads of households hanelerin tek başkanları
high risk households yüksek riskli hane
smallholder households küçük ev haneleri
non-profit institutions serving households hanelere hizmet eden kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlar
large households büyük haneler
wealthier households zengin haneler
online households çevrimiçi hane
spanish households ispanyolca haneler
held by households hane halkı tarafından düzenlenen
total households toplam hane
television households televizyon hane
heading households hane halkı
poorer households yoksul haneler
food insecure households gıda güvensiz haneler
households consumption hane tüketimi
better-off households daha iyi durumda olan haneler
letter to households hanelere mektup
jobless households işsiz haneler
needy households muhtaç haneler
net wealth of households hanelerin net serveti
firms and households firmalar ve haneler
indebted households borçlu haneler
poor rural households yoksul kırsal haneler
tv households tv hane
disadvantaged households dezavantajlı hane halkı
affluent households zengin haneler
migrant households göçmen haneler
us households biz hane
sending households hane göndermek
poorest households en fakir haneler
separate households ayrı haneler
female heads of households hanelerin kadın başkanları
ordinary households sıradan haneler
workless households işsiz haneler
one-person households tek kişilik haneler