court, composed of

court, composed of teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
court, composed of oluşan mahkeme

court, composed of terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

the court was composed by mahkeme tarafından oluşturulmuştur
composed oluşan
self-composed kendinden müteşekkil
through-composed boydan oluşan
well-composed iyi oluşan
is composed of oluşmaktadır
are composed of oluşur
it is composed of tarafından bestelendi
be composed of oluşmak
composed for için oluşan
composed with ile oluşan
was composed of oluşuyordu
were composed bestelendi
will be composed of oluşacak
remain composed oluşan kal
calm and composed sakin ve bestelenmiş
stay composed bestelenen kalmak
mainly composed çoğunlukla oluşur
composed as above yukarıdaki gibi
well composed iyi bestelenmiş
composed music bestelenmiş müzik
the committee is composed of komite oluşur
music composed by tarafından bestelenen müzik
composed himself kendini besteledi
which is composed of oluşan
being composed bestelemek
shall be composed oluşacak
composed as follows aşağıdaki gibi oluşur
pre-composed önceden hazırlanmış
composed of the following aşağıdakilerden oluşur
remained composed oluşan kaldı
perfectly composed mükemmel bestelenmiş
composed mostly çoğunlukla oluşur
consortium composed of oluşan konsorsiyum
composed from -dan oluşan
the company is composed şirket oluşur
composed of three üçlü oluşur
team composed by tarafından oluşturulan takım
it was composed bestelendi
newly composed yeni oluşan
composed demeanor oluşan tavır
composed herself kendini bestelemek
he composed o besteledi
the staff is composed personel oluşur
originally composed başlangıçta oluşan
is mainly composed of esas olarak
remains composed oluşan kalıntılar
the group is composed by grup tarafından oluşturulur
team composed of oluşan ekip
is composed of different farklı oluşur