economy and competition

economy and competition teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
economy and competition ekonomi ve rekabet

economy and competition terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

competition economy rekabet ekonomisi
open market economy with free competition serbest rekabet ile açık piyasa ekonomisi
ministry of economy, finance and public works and services ekonomi, maliye ve kamu işleri ve hizmetleri bakanlığı
free and fair competition serbest ve adil rekabet
antitrust and competition law antitröst ve rekabet hukuku
antitrust and competition antitröst ve rekabet
fair and open competition adil ve açık rekabet
australian competition and consumer commission avustralya rekabet ve tüketici komisyonu
full and open competition tam ve açık rekabet
antitrust and fair competition antitröst ve adil rekabet
competition and antitrust rekabet ve antitröst
competition and fair dealing rekabet ve dürüst ticaret
track and field competition atletizm yarışması
fair competition and antitrust adil rekabet ve antitröst
competition and consumer policies branch rekabet ve tüketici politikaları dalı
competition and competitiveness rekabet ve rekabet gücü
open and fair competition açık ve adil rekabet
fair and free competition adil ve serbest rekabet
competition and regulatory rekabet ve düzenleyici
competition and merger law rekabet ve birleşme kanunu
competition and consumer commission rekabet ve tüketici komisyonu
competition and cooperation rekabet ve işbirliği
competition laws and regulations rekabet yasaları ve düzenlemeleri
we seek to outperform our competition fairly and honestly rekabetimizi adil ve dürüst bir şekilde geride bırakmaya çalışıyoruz
open access and fair competition açık erişim ve adil rekabet
anti trust and unfair competition güven ve haksız rekabet
competition rules and regulations rekabet kuralları ve düzenlemeleri
trade and competition policies ticaret ve rekabet politikaları
open and free competition açık ve serbest rekabet
competition law and policy rekabet hukuku ve politikası
competence and competition yeterlilik ve rekabet
full and fair competition tam ve adil rekabet
competition and regulation rekabet ve düzenleme
fair business, advertising and competition adil iş, reklam ve rekabet
competition and state aid rules rekabet ve devlet yardımı kuralları
drug price competition and patent restoration act ilaç fiyat rekabeti ve patent restorasyon kanunu
fair and vigorous competition adil ve güçlü rekabet
competition and examination yarışma ve sınav
competition and tender rekabet ve ihale
cartels and competition karteller ve rekabet
does not affect competition and trading conditions to an rekabet ve ticaret koşullarını etkilemez.
safety, security and competition güvenlik, güvenlik ve rekabet
monopoly and competition tekel ve rekabet
antitrust and fair competition laws antitröst ve adil rekabet yasaları
competition and data protection rekabet ve veri koruma
competitiveness and competition rekabet gücü ve rekabet
competition and complementarity rekabet ve tamamlayıcılık
demand and competition talep ve rekabet
international wine and spirit competition uluslararası şarap ve ruh rekabeti
protocol on the internal market and competition iç pazar ve rekabet protokolü