a path that could lead to

a path that could lead to teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
a path that could lead to yol açabilecek bir yol

a path that could lead to terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

url path path url yolu yolu
lead down the garden path bahçe yolunda ilerlemek
lead up the garden path bahçe yolunu açmak
lead someone up the garden path birini bahçe yoluna sokmak
lead down the wrong path yanlış yola sapmak
lead down a path aşağıya inmek
lead to a path yola çıkmak
where the path may lead yolun açabileceği yer
lead you along the path yol boyunca sizi yönlendirmek
lead sb up the garden path sb'yi bahçe yoluna götür
my path would lead me yolum beni yönlendirir
that lead to path o yol açar
7. lead someone up the garden path 7. birisini bahçe yoluna sokun
career path lead kariyer yolu lideri
lead the garden path bahçe yolunu açmak
could open the path yolu açabilir
could not find path yol bulunamadı
lead and lead compounds kurşun ve kurşun bileşikleri
lead from lead-based paints kurşun bazlı boyalardan kurşun
lead lead management müşteri adayı yönetimi
follow rather than lead lead liderlik yerine takip edin
could lead to yol açabilir
it could lead to yol açabilir
that could lead to bu yol açabilir
this could lead to bu yol açabilir
which could lead to hangi yol açabilir
could lead to difficulties zorluklara yol açabilir
could potentially lead potansiyel olarak yol açabilir
could lead to confusion karışıklığa yol açabilir
could lead to problems sorunlara yol açabilir
could lead to disaster felakete yol açabilir
could not lead kurşun olamaz
could lead to a reduction bir azalmaya yol açabilir
could lead to damage zarar verebilir
they could lead liderlik edebilirler
all this could lead to bütün bunlar yol açabilir
could lead to more daha fazla yol açabilir
could lead to death ölüme yol açabilir
he could lead liderlik edebilir
could lead to legal action yasal eyleme yol açabilir
could lead to difficulties within the internal market iç pazarda zorluklara yol açabilir
could lead to a change değişime yol açabilir
could also lead ayrıca yol gösterebilir
could lead to serious injury or death ciddi yaralanmalara veya ölüme neden olabilir
could lead to losing kaybetmeye neden olabilir
could lead to embarrassment utanmaya neden olabilir
these could all lead bunların hepsi yol açabilir
the findings could lead to bulgular yol açabilir
could lead to the decline düşüşe yol açabilir
could lead to improved gelişmiş yol açabilir