has found practical applications

has found practical applications teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
has found practical applications pratik uygulamalar buldu

has found practical applications terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

has practical applications pratik uygulamalara sahiptir
practical applications for için pratik uygulamalar
practical applications teacher pratik uygulamalar öğretmeni
for practical applications pratik uygulamalar için
led to practical applications pratik uygulamalara yol açtı
a wide range of practical applications çok çeşitli pratik uygulamalar
wide range of practical applications geniş kapsamlı pratik uygulamalar
found in applications uygulamalarda bulundu
found in many industrial applications birçok endüstriyel uygulamada bulundu
find found found bulunan bulundu bulunan bulundu
has a practical approach pratik bir yaklaşıma sahip
has a practical application pratik bir uygulaması var
has some practical biraz pratik var
has given practical assistance to member states in implement üye devletlere uygulamada pratik yardım sağladı
the amendment has no practical or legal added value değişikliğin pratik veya yasal katma değeri yoktur
has been found bulunmuş
has found bulundu
this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the bu ekipman test edilmiş ve
has found that buldu
it has been found that bulundu
research has found araştırma buldu
has been found to conform uygun olduğu bulundu
has not been found bulunamadı
he has found o buldu
this equipment has been tested and found to comply bu ekipman test edildi ve uygun olduğu bulundu
has found itself kendini buldu
has been tested and found test edildi ve bulundu
it has found buldu
a study has found bir çalışma buldu
this equipment has been tested and found bu ekipman test edildi ve bulundu
has been tested and found to comply test edildi ve uygun olduğu bulundu
research has found that araştırmalar buldu
has been found guilty suçlu bulundu
has found its way into yolunu buldu
study has found çalışma bulundu
has been found to have olduğu bulundu
has yet to be found henüz bulunamadı
has found out öğrendi
has been found to be effective etkili olduğu bulundu
the court has found mahkeme buldu
has been found that bulundu
has been found to comply uygun olduğu bulundu
has already found zaten buldu
she has found o buldu
he has found out o öğrendim
he has found a job o bir iş buldu
the court has found that mahkeme bunu buldu
has found expression ifadeyi buldu
has been found to cause neden olduğu bulundu
evaluation has found değerlendirme bulundu