which were built

which were built teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
which were built hangi inşa edildi

which were built terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

build built built inşa inşa inşa
which was built hangi inşa edildi
which is built from hangi inşa edilmiştir
which is built hangi inşa edilmiştir
basis upon which are built dayandığı temel
which have been built hangi inşa edilmiştir
were built inşa edilmiş
were built for için inşa edildi
they were built inşa edildiler
were built around etrafında inşa edildi
were being built inşa ediliyordu
were built taken into account dikkate alınmış
only 2 were built sadece 2 tane inşa edildi
were often built on sık sık inşa edildi
the first houses were built ilk evler inşa edildi
were built to operate ameliyat için inşa edildi
the foundations were built on pile caps on three pilings vakıflar, üç sütun üzerinde kazık başlıkları üzerine inşa edilmiştir.
which is which hangisi hangisi
which which hangisi
which should form the basis on which to build a unanimous hangi oybirliği inşa etmek için temel oluşturmalı
at least one of which move and which are joined together for en az bir tanesi hareket eden ve bir araya getirilmiş
work which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is doğası gereği veya içinde bulunduğu koşullar
which were hangileri
all of which were hepsi
which were used hangileri kullanıldı
which were not hangileri değildi
which were once hangisiydi
for which they were designed onlar için tasarlandı
which were missing hangileri eksikti
in which they were içinde bulundukları
which were reported hangileri rapor edildi
which were expected beklenenler
which they were onlar vardı
which were subsequently hangileri daha sonra
which were called hangi denirdi
which were discussed hangi tartışıldı
which were changed hangi değişti
which were recorded hangi kaydedildi
which were carried out hangi yapıldı
which were born hangileri doğdu
which were launched hangi başlatıldı
which were determined hangi tespit edildi
which were actually hangisi aslında
which were performed hangi yapıldı
which were installed hangi kuruldu
which we were hangisiydik
many of which were birçoğu
which were sent hangileri gönderildi
which were popular hangileri popülerdi
which were designed hangi tasarlandı