acid molecules

acid molecules teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
acid molecules asit molekülleri

acid molecules terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

fatty acid molecules yağ asidi molekülleri
eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid eikosapentaenoik asit ve dokosahekssaenoik asit
amino acid and organic acid metabolism amino asit ve organik asit metabolizması
amino acid glutamic acid amino asit glutamik asit
salicylic acid and lactic acid salisilik asit ve laktik asit
citric acid, tartaric acid sitrik asit, tartarik asit
06 01 01* sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid 06 01 01 * sülfürik asit ve sülfürik asit
inorganic molecules inorganik moleküller
organic molecules organik moleküller
protein molecules protein molekülleri
signaling molecules sinyal molekülleri
small molecules küçük moleküller
signalling molecules sinyal molekülleri
water molecules su molekülleri
adhesion molecules yapışma molekülleri
large molecules büyük moleküller
motion of molecules moleküllerin hareketi
antibody molecules antikor molekülleri
biological molecules biyolojik moleküller
carbon-based molecules karbon bazlı moleküller
hydrocarbon molecules hidrokarbon molekülleri
effector molecules efektör molekülleri
complex molecules karmaşık moleküller
fuel molecules yakıt molekülleri
food molecules besin molekülleri
costimulatory molecules maliyet uyarıcı moleküller
gas molecules gaz molekülleri
chain molecules zincir molekülleri
targeted molecules hedeflenen moleküller
messenger molecules haberci moleküller
rogue molecules haydut moleküller
foreign molecules yabancı moleküller
cell adhesion molecules hücre yapışma molekülleri
break down molecules molekülleri yıkmak
surface molecules yüzey molekülleri
ozone molecules ozon molekülleri
novel molecules yeni moleküller
polymer molecules polimer molekülleri
mhc molecules mhc molekülleri
scent molecules koku molekülleri
signal transduction molecules sinyal iletim molekülleri
health-enhancing molecules sağlık arttırıcı moleküller
matrix molecules matris molekülleri
drug-like molecules ilaç benzeri moleküller
fullerene molecules fulleren molekülleri
simple organic molecules basit organik moleküller
arrangement of molecules moleküllerin düzenlenmesi
cholesterol molecules kolesterol molekülleri
diatomic oxygen molecules iki atomlu oksijen molekülleri
cross-linked molecules çapraz bağlı moleküller