deprived of choice

deprived of choice teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
deprived of choice seçimden mahrum

deprived of choice terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

deprived mahrum
sleep deprived uykusuz
deprived areas yoksun alanlar
deprived from yoksun
deprived children mahrum çocuklar
socially deprived sosyal açıdan mahrum
most deprived en yoksun
deprived communities yoksun topluluklar
be deprived of mahrum olmak
economically deprived ekonomik olarak mahrum
deprived people mahrum insanlar
are deprived of yoksun
deprived of food gıdadan mahrum
deprived regions yoksun bölgeler
materially deprived maddi mahrum
feel deprived mahrum hissetmek
is deprived mahrum
sexually deprived cinsel açıdan mahrum
deprived backgrounds yoksun geçmiş
deprived home mahrum ev
deprived of amenities olanaklardan mahrum
deprived countries mahrum ülkeler
sex deprived cinsiyetten mahrum
sleep-deprived people uykusuz insanlar
feeling deprived mahrum hissetmek
school-deprived okul yoksun
has been deprived mahrum edildi
were deprived of mahrum edildi
deprived them of onlardan mahrum
deprived groups mahrum gruplar
deprived of liberty özgürlüğünden yoksun
deprived of sleep uykudan mahrum
food deprived mahrum gıda
emotionally deprived duygusal açıdan mahrum
deprived of education eğitimden mahrum
deprived of the right hakkından mahrum
deprived of oxygen oksijensiz
oxygen-deprived oksijen yoksun
culturally deprived kültürel açıdan mahrum
deprived of the power gücünden mahrum
being deprived mahrum olmak
had been deprived mahrum edilmişti
deprived of their liberty özgürlüklerinden yoksun
they are deprived onlar yoksun
persons deprived of liberty özgürlüğünden yoksun olanlar
has deprived mahrum etti
deprived of their rights haklarından mahrum
deprived community mahrum topluluk
deprived neighbourhood yoksun mahalle
people deprived of their liberty insanlar özgürlüklerinden mahrum