it would focus on

it would focus on teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
it would focus on odaklanacak

it would focus on terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

i would like to focus odaklanmak istiyorum
would focus odaklanacak
i would focus odaklanırdım
i would rather focus odaklanmayı tercih ederim
the focus would be on odaklanacak
we would focus odaklanırdık
would like to focus odaklanmak istiyorum
would rather focus odaklanmak isterdim
would come into sharper focus daha net odaklanacaktı
attention would focus dikkat odaklanırdı
would likely focus on muhtemelen odaklanacaktı
the focus would odak olur
her comments would focus on yorumları odaklanacak
the focus would shift odak değişecek
i would be grateful if you would eğer istersen minnettar olurum
we would appreciate it if you would eğer istersen memnun oluruz
i would appreciate it if you would eğer istersen memnun olurum
i would be grateful if you would kindly nazik olursanız minnettar olurum
would be grateful if you would eğer istersen minnettar olurum
i would be grateful if you would confirm onaylarsan minnettar olurum
what would would be ne olurdu
would or would not be olur veya olmaz
i would appreciate it if you would send gönderirseniz sevinirim
we would a appreciate it if you would eğer istersen seviniriz
would someone would give me biri bana verecek mi
we would appreciate it if you would kindly nazikçe yaparsanız seviniriz
the measure would repeal laws that would allow businesses tedbir işletmelere izin verecek yasaları yürürlükten kaldıracak
, we would be grateful if you would inform , bilgilendirirseniz minnettar oluruz
automatic focus otomatik odaklama
back focus arka odak
coude-focus coude odaklama
deep focus derin odak
depth of focus odak derinliği
fixed-focus camera sabit odaklı kamera
focus odak
focus group odak grubu
focus puller odak çektirme
focus's odak & # x27; s
over-focus aşırı odak
prime focus ana odak
principal focus ana odak
sensate focus odaklanmak
sharp-focus realism keskin odaklı gerçekçilik
soft focus yumuşak odak
soft-focus lens yumuşak odaklı lens
focus on odaklan
with a focus on üzerinde odaklanarak
customer focus müşteri odaklı
in focus odakta
focus areas odak bölgeleri