there were no grounds

there were no grounds teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
there were no grounds zemin yoktu

there were no grounds terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

concluded that there were no grounds gerekçe olmadığı sonucuna varıldı
declared that there were no grounds for appeal temyiz gerekçesi olmadığını açıkladı
there, there were orada vardı
there were people there was orada insanlar vardı
were raised the grounds gerekçesiyle büyüdü
what were the grounds for ne içindi
there are grounds zemin var
there are no grounds zemin yok
there are no grounds for için hiçbir sebep yok
there are reasonable grounds makul sebepler var
there are legal grounds yasal gerekçeler var
there would be grounds zemin olurdu
there are more grounds daha fazla zemin var
on the grounds that there was insufficient yetersiz olduğu gerekçesiyle
there seems to be no grounds for the için hiçbir sebep yok gibi görünüyor
there are grounds for hope umut için zemin var
where there are substantial grounds önemli gerekçelerin olduğu yerler
if there are grounds eğer zemin varsa
there are grounds for için sebep var
there are grounds to be optimistic iyimser olmak için gerekçeler var
there are special grounds özel alanlar var
there are good grounds iyi zeminler var
there are reasonable grounds for suspecting şüphelenmek için makul sebepler var
there are grounds to consider dikkate alınması gereken yerler var
whereas there are grounds oysa gerekçeler var
there are no reasonable grounds makul bir sebep yok
and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by ve dans edenlerin çılgınca olduğu düşünülüyordu.
were were you sen miydin
were were the party? parti miydi
if were were to olsaydı
if i were a were eğer olsaydım
there were vardı
if there were olsaydı
there were people insanlar vardı
there were a lot of people çok fazla insan vardı
there were also orada da vardı
there were ever hiç vardı
there were times bazı zamanlar vardı
if there were any eğer varsa
there were many çok fazla vardı
there were any herhangi biri vardı
there were some biraz vardı
there were only sadece vardı
where there were neredeydi
there were going to be olacaktı
there were not any hiç yoktu
there were a lot of bir sürü vardı
even if there were olsa bile
there were a number of bir dizi vardı
there were two iki vardı