been found out

been found out teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
been found out bulundu

been found out terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

i have been found 55 out of 55 tanesinde bulundum
find found found bulunan bulundu bulunan bulundu
has been found bulunmuş
have been found bulundu
this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the bu ekipman test edilmiş ve
it has been found that bulundu
had been found bulundu
has been found to conform uygun olduğu bulundu
has not been found bulunamadı
this equipment has been tested and found to comply bu ekipman test edildi ve uygun olduğu bulundu
has been tested and found test edildi ve bulundu
been found bulundu
have been found guilty suçlu bulundu
have been found to have olduğu bulundu
this equipment has been tested and found bu ekipman test edildi ve bulundu
has been tested and found to comply test edildi ve uygun olduğu bulundu
has been found guilty suçlu bulundu
has been found to have olduğu bulundu
have not been found bulunamadı
having been found bulundu
have been found to contain içerdiği bulundu
has been found to be effective etkili olduğu bulundu
was found to have been olduğu bulundu
found to have been olduğu bulundu
is found to have been olduğu bulundu
i have been found bulundu
has been found that bulundu
has been found to comply uygun olduğu bulundu
it had been found bulundu
have been found good iyi bulundu
have consistently been found sürekli bulundu
that have been found to bu bulunmuştur
has been found to cause neden olduğu bulundu
have been found dead ölü bulundu
had been found dead ölü bulundu
experiences have been found deneyimler bulundu
evidence has been found kanıt bulundu
had been found guilty suçlu bulundu
has been tested and found to comply with the limits test edildi ve sınırlara uygun olduğu bulundu
had not been found bulunmamıştı
has been found useful yararlı bulundu
have been found to be effective etkili olduğu bulundu
been found guilty suçlu bulundu
have been found wanting isteyen bulundu
nothing has been found hiçbir şey bulunamadı
has been found to meet tanıştığı bulundu
no trace has been found iz bulunamadı
has been found to match eşleşmesi bulundu
been found to have violated this policy bu politikayı ihlal ettiği tespit edildi
it is been found bulundu