received into stock

received into stock teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
received into stock stokta alınan

received into stock terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

stock is received stok alındı
stock or stock options stok veya stok seçenekleri
common stock preferred stock adi hisse senedi tercih edilen hisse senedi
opening stock and closing stock stok açma ve stok kapatma
stock-for-stock transaction hisse senedi için hisse senedi işlemi
stock transfer using stock transport order stok nakli siparişi kullanarak stok nakli
in a stock-for-stock transaction. hisse senedi alım satım işleminde.
stock for stock merger birleşme için stok
received into the ministry bakanlığa alındı
received into the roman catholic church roma katolik kilisesine alındı
takes into account the amount received alınan miktarı dikkate alır
taken into stock stokta alınmış
converted into stock stoka dönüştürülmüş
entry into the stock market borsaya giriş
securities convertible into common stock hisse senedine dönüştürülebilir menkul kıymetler
stock into shares hisse senedi içine stok
converted into the common stock ortak hisse senedine dönüştürüldü
come into into force yürürlüğe girmek
slice fruit into big wedges or chop it into cubes and skewer meyveyi büyük dilimler halinde dilimleyin veya küp küp doğrayın
received alınan
received pronunciation telaffuz aldı
received standard standart aldı
well-received iyi kabul
for value received alınan değer için
well received iyi karşılandı
received from alınan
date received alınan tarih
i received aldım
as received ulaştığı gibi
we have received biz aldık
i have received aldım
received wisdom bilgelik aldı
have you received aldın mı
have received almış
we received aldık
payment received ödeme alındı
has received alındı
having received almış
actually received aslında aldı
i have just received yeni aldım
thank you,your submission has been received teşekkür ederim, başvurunuz alındı
i just received yeni aldım
interest received alınan faiz
we have not yet received henüz almadık
once received birkez alındı
we have not received almadık
cash received nakit alındı
we have just received yeni aldık
value received alınan değer
consideration received dikkate alınan