would lead to a decrease

would lead to a decrease teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
would lead to a decrease azalmaya yol açacak

would lead to a decrease terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

lead to a decrease azalmaya neden olmak
decrease in lead time teslim süresinde azalma
would decrease azalır
would increase or decrease artacak veya azaltacak
would probably decrease muhtemelen azalır
population would decrease dramatically nüfus çarpıcı biçimde düşecek
there would be a decrease bir düşüş olur
it would decrease azalır
precipitation would decrease yağış miktarı azalır
lead and lead compounds kurşun ve kurşun bileşikleri
lead from lead-based paints kurşun bazlı boyalardan kurşun
lead lead management müşteri adayı yönetimi
follow rather than lead lead liderlik yerine takip edin
would lead to yol açar
this would lead to bu yol açar
which would lead hangi yol açar
it would lead to yol açacak
would ultimately lead to sonuçta yol açar
that would lead to bu yol açar
would very likely lead çok büyük olasılıkla yol açardı
would lead us to expect beklememize neden olur
would lead to a reduction bir azalmaya yol açacaktır
would lead us to believe bizi inanmaya yönlendirirdi
would lead him to onu yönlendirirdi
would eventually lead to sonunda yol açardı
would surely lead to kesinlikle yol açardı
would merely lead to sadece yol açardı
would probably lead to muhtemelen yol açardı
would likely lead to muhtemelen yol açardı
would lead to greater efficiency. daha fazla verimlilik sağlayacaktır.
would lead you seni yönlendirir
would lead to less daha az yol açardı
would lead to different results farklı sonuçlara yol açar
would rapidly lead to hızla yol açacaktır
would lead to common ground ortak bir yere götürürdü
my path would lead me yolum beni yönlendirir
would lead us to conclude sonuçlandırmamıza yol açardı
and it would lead ve yol açar
would lead to rejection! reddedilmeye yol açacak!
that would lead to further concentration bu daha fazla konsantrasyona yol açacaktır
would lead to an increase artışa yol açacak
would lead to a longer daha uzun yol açar
would lead to taxation vergilendirmeye yol açacak
severe pain that would lead a prudent layperson, possessing sahip olan ihtiyatlı bir mesleğe yol açacak şiddetli ağrı
would lead one to believe birini inanmaya yönlendirir
and would lead to a ve bir yol açar
this would lead in particular bu özellikle yol açacaktır
decrease azaltmak
forbush decrease forbush düşüşü
a decrease bir düşüş