has become an emblem

has become an emblem teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
has become an emblem bir amblem haline geldi

has become an emblem terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

emblem amblem
floral emblem çiçek amblemi
national emblem ulusal amblem
state emblem devlet amblemi
official emblem resmi amblem
european emblem avrupa amblemi
vehicle emblem araç amblemi
bear the emblem amblemi taşımak
emblem wine amblem şarap
press emblem campaign basın amblemi kampanyası
bears the emblem amblemi taşır
brand emblem marka amblemi
an emblem for bir amblem
emblem of the city şehrin amblemi
party emblem parti amblemi
shield emblem kalkan amblemi
name and emblem of establishment kuruluşun adı ve amblemi
slow-moving vehicle emblem yavaş hareket eden araç amblemi
logo and emblem logo ve amblem
games emblem oyunlar amblemi
logo emblem logo amblemi
the emblem represents amblemi temsil eder
school emblem okul amblemi
trident emblem trident amblemi
the ibm business partner emblem ibm iş ortağı amblemi
trade and emblem ticaret ve amblem
company emblem şirket amblemi
become,became,become olmak oldu olmuştu
become becoming becomes a to become olmak olmak olmak
become become haline gelmek
has become olmuş
it has become oldu
it has become clear belli oldu
has become available kullanılabilir hale geldi
he has become o oldu
has become aware farkında oldu
has become apparent belli oldu
has grown to become olmak için büyüdü
has become popular popüler oldu
it has become clear that belli oldu ki
has become due nedeniyle oldu
she has become o oldu
has since become o zamandan beri
has become the norm norm haline geldi
has become increasingly giderek arttı
has become clear netleşti
it has become necessary gerekli oldu
has become known bilinen oldu
has become increasingly important giderek daha önemli hale geldi
it has become popular popüler oldu