for which she

for which she teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
for which she onun için

for which she terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

she wishes she could yapabileceğini istiyor
she wishes she had sahip olmasını ister
she told me that she had bana sahip olduğunu söyledi
being the woman she is, i know she's strong onun olduğu kadın, onun güçlü olduğunu biliyorum
she said she wanted istediğini söyledi
she said she would o olacağını söyledi
she she o o
she said she was olduğunu söyledi
she got the job because she işi aldı çünkü
she told me that she had had bana sahip olduğunu söyledi
she didn't know she had bildiğini bilmiyordu
she believed she could yapabileceğine inanıyordu
she knew that she had sahip olduğunu biliyordu
she said she was committed to innovation and the technology yenilik ve teknolojiye bağlı olduğunu söyledi
she says that she o diyor ki
she got married when she was 25 25 yaşındayken evlendi
she thought she was sick so hasta olduğunu düşünüyordu
in which she içinde o
which she was hangisiydi
in which she lived içinde yaşadığı
which she hopes hangi umuyor
which she calls o çağırır
which she believed inandığı
to which she replied cevap verdiği
to which she responded cevap verdiği
the moment in which she is o olduğu an
which she was certain o kesindi
which he or she hangisi o
which she likes hangi seviyor
by means of which she onun aracılığıyla
in which she appears göründüğü
to which she was accustomed alışkın olduğu
in which she participates katıldığı
of which she is a board member yönetim kurulu üyesi
for which he or she is responsible sorumlu olduğu
in which she starred içinde rol aldığı
which she mentioned o bahsetti
which she defines as hangi olarak tanımlar
to which she was entitled hak ettiği
that which she o o
which she loved hangi sevdiği
which she represents temsil ettiği
which is which hangisi hangisi
which which hangisi
which should form the basis on which to build a unanimous hangi oybirliği inşa etmek için temel oluşturmalı
at least one of which move and which are joined together for en az bir tanesi hareket eden ve bir araya getirilmiş
work which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is doğası gereği veya içinde bulunduğu koşullar
he/she o / o
lao she lao o
she o