has become more difficult

has become more difficult teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
has become more difficult daha zor oldu

has become more difficult terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

become more and more difficult gittikçe zorlaşıyor
has become much more difficult çok daha zor oldu
become more difficult zorlaşmak
it will become more difficult daha zor olacak
it had become more difficult daha zor olmuştu
will become even more difficult daha da zorlaşacak
has become increasingly difficult giderek daha zor hale geldi
has become difficult zorlaştı
more and more difficult giderek daha zor
more and more difficult to find bulmak gittikçe zorlaşıyor
has proven more difficult daha zor olduğunu kanıtladı
become difficult zorlaşmak
become increasingly difficult giderek zorlaşmak
become very difficult çok zorlaşmak
things become difficult işler zorlaşıyor
become more and more gittikçe daha fazla olmak
become more and more important giderek daha önemli hale gelmek
become more and more popular daha popüler hale gelmek
become more and more apparent daha belirgin hale gelmek
become more and more manifest gittikçe daha fazla tezahür ettirmek
become more and more frustrated giderek daha sinirli olmak
become more and more common giderek daha yaygın hale gelmek
has become more popular daha popüler hale geldi
has become more important daha önemli hale geldi
has become more daha fazla oldu
has become more expensive daha pahalı hale geldi
has become more complex daha karmaşık hale geldi
has become more confident daha güvenli hale geldi
has become more widespread daha yaygın hale geldi
has become more clear daha netleşti
has become even more relevant daha alakalı hale geldi
has become more integrated daha entegre hale geldi
has become more urgent daha acil hale geldi
has become ever more popular daha popüler hale geldi
has become more diversified daha çeşitlendi
has become more violent daha şiddetli hale geldi
has become more explicit daha açık hale geldi
has become more than ever her zamankinden daha fazla oldu
has become much more çok daha fazla oldu
the party has become more powerful parti daha güçlü hale geldi
has become more problematic daha problemli hale geldi
has become more concentrated daha konsantre hale geldi
has become more interdependent daha bağımlı hale geldi
has become more pronounced daha belirgin hale geldi
has become more intense daha yoğun hale geldi
has become more heightened daha da yükseldi
has become even more prominent daha da öne çıktı
has become more strict daha katı hale geldi
has become more sophisticated daha sofistike hale geldi
more difficult daha zor