grouted rock

grouted rock teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
grouted rock grouted rock

grouted rock terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

un-grouted un-grouted
grouted grouted
fully grouted tamamen dolgulu
be grouted dolmak
grouted in place yerine oturmuş
grouted joint derz dolgu
pressure grouted basınçlı enjeksiyon
resin grouted rebar reçine betonarme demiri
grouted cable oluklu kablo
grouted floor şeritli taban
leveled and grouted tesviye ve harç
grouted area harç alan
equipment is grouted ekipman harmanlanmış
grouted metal grouted metal
are grouted harç
are installed and grouted kurulur ve derzlenir
is grouted harmanlanmış
rock rock till you drop düşene kadar rock rock
acid rock asit kaya
alkali rock alkali kaya
alt-rock alt-rock
alum rock şap kaya
art rock art rock
asphalt rock asfalt taşı
ayers rock ayers rock
basement-rock bodrum-rock
between a rock and a hard place bir kaya ve sert bir yer arasında
blues-rock blues rock
cap rock cap rock
chimney rock baca taşı
cock rock horoz kaya
cock-of-the-rock horoz-of-the-rock
country rock taş kaya
dad rock baba rock
desert rock çöl taşı
dome of the rock kaya kubbesi
duck on a rock kayanın üzerinde ördek
folk rock folklor
folk-rock folk rock
hard rock geology hard rock jeolojisi
hard rock mining hard rock madenciliği
hard-rock sert kaya
hybrid rock melez kaya
igneous rock volkanik kaya
jazz-rock caz-rock
little rock küçük kaya
mantle rock manto kaya
metamorphic rock metamorfik kayaç
north little rock kuzey küçük kaya
phosphate rock fosfat kaya