they were disgusted

they were disgusted teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
they were disgusted tiksindiler

they were disgusted terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

we were disgusted tiksindik
were disgusted tiksindi
disgusted bıkkın
feel disgusted tiksinti hissetmek
i am disgusted iğrendim
completely disgusted tamamen bıkkın
to be disgusted iğrenmek
disgusted with myself kendime bıkmış
disgusted with bıkkın
become disgusted iğrenmek
be disgusted with iğrenmek
would be disgusted iğrenç olurdu
he is disgusted o iğrenç
are disgusted bıkkın
she is disgusted o tiksinti
get disgusted iğrenmek
thoroughly disgusted iyice iğrenmiş
was disgusted by tarafından tiksinti
disgust disgusted iğrenme iğrenme
is disgusted with ile bıkkın
felt disgusted tiksinti hissettim
disgusted from bıkkın
more disgusted daha iğrenç
we are disgusted tiksindik
should be disgusted iğrenmeli
disgusted her onu bıkkın
becomes so disgusted çok iğrenmiş olur
look disgusted iğrenmiş görünmek
is disgusted that bıkkın
i was disgusted that bıkmıştım
becomes disgusted bıkkın olur
feel disgusted about bıkmış hissetmek
feel disgusted with bıkmış hissetmek
disgusted him onu bıkkın
they knew what they were doing ne yaptıklarını biliyorlardı
if they were they could eğer yapabilselerdi
they told me they were bana olduklarını söylediler
and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by ve dans edenlerin çılgınca olduğu düşünülüyordu.
were were you sen miydin
were were the party? parti miydi
if were were to olsaydı
if i were a were eğer olsaydım
they were onlar
as they were oldukları gibi
as if they were sanki onlar gibiydi
they were given onlara verildi
they were killed onlar öldürüldü
if they were to eğer öyleyse
they were able to yapabildiler
they were married evlilerdi