guardianship and conservatorship

guardianship and conservatorship teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
guardianship and conservatorship vesayet ve konservatuarlık

guardianship and conservatorship terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

guardianship or conservatorship vesayet veya konservatuarlık
conservatorship of the department of family and protective aile ve koruyucu departmanı konservatuvarı
conservatorship conservatorship
under conservatorship konservatuvar altında
joint managing conservatorship ortak yönetim konservatuvarı
managing conservatorship konservatuvarı yönetmek
in the course of conservatorship konservatuar süresince
conservatorship estate konservatuarlık emlak
letters of conservatorship konservatuar mektupları
establish conservatorship konservatuvar kurmak
conservatorship possession konservatuarlık bulundurma
under a conservatorship konservatuvar altında
the guardianship and tutelage services vesayet ve vesayet hizmetleri
guardianship and custody vesayet ve velayet
the guardianship and administration act vesayet ve idare kanunu
guardianship vasilik
legal guardianship yasal vesayet
special guardianship order özel vesayet emri
adult guardianship yetişkin vesayet
guardianship of infants act bebeklerin vasiliği
guardianship proceeding vesayet davası
guardianship of infants bebeklerin vasiliği
guardianship court vesayet mahkemesi
proof of guardianship vesayet kanıtı
under guardianship vesayet altında
letters of guardianship vesayet mektubu
temporary guardianship geçici vesayet
guardianship of children çocukların velayeti
guardianship papers vesayet belgeleri
guardianship of minors act küçüklerin vasiliği
guardianship judge vesayet hakimi
appointment of guardianship vesayet tayini
plenary guardianship genel vesayet
guardianship rights vesayet hakları
guardianship case vesayet davası
guardianship council vesayet konseyi
placed under guardianship vesayet altına alınmış
guardianship authority vesayet makamı
sole guardianship tek vesayet
parental guardianship veli vesayeti
guardianship act vesayet yasası
guardianship petition vesayet dilekçesi
guardianship laws vesayet kanunları
guardianship arrangement vesayet düzenleme
standby guardianship bekleme vesayet
probate guardianship vesayet sorumluluğu
full guardianship tam vesayet
guardianship certificate vesayet belgesi
children guardianship çocuk velayeti
guardianship administration vesayet yönetimi