hangi belirgin oldu

hangi belirgin oldu teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
hangi belirgin oldu which became evident

hangi belirgin oldu terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

hangi belirgin hale gelir which become apparent
hangi belirgin which is evident
hangi belirgin which is apparent
hangi belirgin which are apparent
daha belirgin oldu became more pronounced
daha belirgin oldu became more prominent
çok belirgin oldu became very apparent
belirgin oldu became distinct
belirgin bir etkisi oldu had a marked effect
belirgin oldu became pronounced
belirgin bir yavaşlamaya neden oldu led to a marked deceleration
daha sonra belirgin oldu later became apparent
belirgin bir artış oldu there has been a marked increase
özellikle belirgin oldu became especially pronounced
belirgin bir düşüşe neden oldu caused a marked drop
daha az belirgin oldu became less apparent
hangi koşullar altında ve hangi koşullar altında whether and under what conditions
hangi etkili oldu which took effect
hangi oldu which occurred
hangi operasyonel oldu which became operational
hangi yardımcı oldu which has helped
hangi oldu has occurred which
hangi bir parçası oldu which became part of
hangi aracı oldu which was instrumental
hangi yıl oldu was a year during which
hangi öğrencilere neden oldu which caused students to
hangi gösterge oldu which was indicative
hangi saat oldu which was clocked
hangi başlangıcı oldu which marked the beginning of
hangi ünlü oldu which was renowned
hangi başarılı oldu which led to a successful
hangi neden oldu which has caused the
hangi bir klasik oldu which became a classic
hangi başarılı oldu which became successful
hangi son oldu which became final
hangi destek oldu which was supportive of
hangi yardımcı oldu which have helped
hangi baş aşağı oldu which was upside down
hangi petrol üretimine neden oldu which caused oil production
ilk işin hangi şehirde oldu? in what town was your first job?
hangi bilgilendirmek yardımcı oldu which helped inform
hangi tekrarlayan oldu which was recurrent
hangi kanıtlanmış oldu which were proven
hangi yasa oldu which became law
hangi hızla oldu which quickly became
oldu ya da oldu were or became
öldü öldü died death
belirgin mum gücü apparent candlepower
belirgin hareket apparent movement
belirgin distinctively