appointed from time to time

appointed from time to time teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
appointed from time to time zaman zaman atanan

appointed from time to time terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

may be appointed from time to time zaman zaman atanabilir
appointed time tayin edilen zaman
at the appointed time belirlenen zamanda
time appointed for the meeting toplantı için atanan süre
appointed for the time being şimdilik atanmış
for the time being appointed atandığı süre için
the time appointed for için atanan zaman
appointed at that time o zaman atanmış
precisely the appointed time tam olarak belirlenmiş zaman
an appointed time belirlenmiş bir zaman
for an appointed time belirlenmiş bir süre için
at the appointed time and place belirlenen zamanda ve yerde
appointed döşenmiş
self-appointed kendinden menkul
well-appointed iyi döşenmiş
duly appointed usulüne uygun olarak atanmış
was appointed atandı
to be appointed atanmak
newly appointed yeni atanmış
has been appointed atandı
has appointed tayin etti
is appointed atandı
appointed representative atanan temsilci
appointed person atanan kişi
beautifully appointed güzelce döşenmiş
court-appointed mahkeme tarafından atanan
date appointed tarih belirlendi
receiver appointed alıcı atandı
shall be appointed atanacak
appointed agent atanan ajan
he was appointed atandı
appointed over atandı
appointed body tayin edilen organ
are appointed tayin edildi
appointed for için atandı
a receiver is appointed bir alıcı atandı
have been appointed atandı
appointed attorney atanan avukat
were appointed tayin edildi
receiver is appointed alıcı atandı
so appointed çok atanmış
appointed date tayin tarihi
will be appointed atanacak
appointed with ile atandı
government-appointed hükümetin atadığı
appointed for life yaşam için atanmış
appointed officials atanan memurlar
officially appointed resmen atandı
luxuriously appointed lüks olarak döşenmiş
have appointed atadım