duchenne dystrophy

duchenne dystrophy teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
duchenne dystrophy duchenne distrofisi

duchenne dystrophy terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

duchenne's dystrophy duchenne distrofisi
duchenne muscular dystrophy duchenne kas distrofisi
muscular dystrophy duchenne kas distrofisi duchenne
aran-duchenne disease aran-duchenne hastalığı
duchenne's disease duchenne hastalığı
duchenne-aran disease duchenne-aran hastalığı
duchenne-erb paralysis duchenne-erb felci
duchenne duchenne
duchenne-like duchenne benzeri
erb duchenne paralysis erb duchenne felci
adiposogenital dystrophy adiposogenital distrofi
adult pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy erişkin psödohipertrofik kas distrofisi
childhood muscular dystrophy çocukluk çağı kas distrofisi
dystrophy distrofi
endothelial dystrophy of cornea korneanın endotel distrofisi
epithelial dystrophy epitel distrofisi
facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy facioscapulohumeral kas distrofisi
fuchs epithelial dystrophy fuchs epitel distrofisi
infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy infantil nöroaksonal distrofi
landouzy-déjérine dystrophy hüzünlü-dejérine distrofi
limb-girdle muscular dystrophy uzuv-kuşak kas distrofisi
muscular dystrophy kas distrofisi
myotonic dystrophy miyotonik distrofi
pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy yalancı hipertrofik müsküler distrofi
reticular dystrophy of cornea korneanın retiküler distrofisi
reflex sympathetic dystrophy refleks sempatik distrofi
corneal dystrophy korneal distrofi
nail dystrophy tırnak distrofisi
macular dystrophy maküler distrofi
muscular dystrophy association kas distrofi birlikteliği
reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome refleks sempatik distrofi sendromu
retinal dystrophy retinal distrofi
congenital muscular dystrophy konjenital müsküler distrofi
becker muscular dystrophy becker kas distrofisi
progressive muscular dystrophy ilerleyici kas distrofisi
muscle dystrophy kas distrofisi
facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy facioscapulohumeral kas distrofisi
emery-dreifuss muscular dystrophy emery-dreifuss kas distrofisi
vitelliform macular dystrophy vitelliform maküler distrofi
320. beckers muscular dystrophy 320. beckers kas distrofisi
post-traumatic dystrophy travma sonrası distrofi
reflex sympathetic dystrophy prevention refleks sempatik distrofi önleme
sympathetic dystrophy sempatik distrofi