has become necessary

has become necessary teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
has become necessary gerekli hale geldi

has become necessary terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

it has become necessary gerekli oldu
has become necessary as a result of bir sonucu olarak gerekli hale gelmiştir
it has now become necessary şimdi gerekli oldu
become necessary gerekli olmak
should it become necessary gerekli olursa
may become necessary gerekli olabilir
it may become necessary gerekli olabilir
will become necessary gerekli olacak
as may become necessary gerekli olabileceği gibi
become absolutely necessary kesinlikle gerekli olmak
can become necessary gerekli olabilir
it may sometimes become necessary bazen gerekli olabilir
it become necessary gerekli oldu
necessary to become olmak için gerekli
does not become necessary gerekli olmaz
however it may become necessary ancak gerekli olabilir
have become necessary gerekli oldu
become,became,become olmak oldu olmuştu
become becoming becomes a to become olmak olmak olmak
become become haline gelmek
it has been necessary gerekliydi
has been duly authorized by all necessary action gerekli tüm faaliyetler tarafından usulüne uygun olarak yetkilendirildi
has been necessary gerekli
it has been deemed necessary gerekli görülmüştür
has all necessary rights gerekli tüm haklara sahip
it has proved necessary gerekli olduğunu kanıtladı
has proved necessary gerekli olduğunu kanıtladı
it has been necessary to amend değiştirmek gerekli
has taken the necessary security measures gerekli güvenlik önlemlerini aldı
it has not been necessary to correct any error from herhangi bir hatayı düzeltmek gerekli değildi
has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action gerekli tüm kurumsal faaliyetler tarafından usulüne uygun olarak yetkilendirilmiştir.
has become olmuş
it has become oldu
it has become clear belli oldu
has become available kullanılabilir hale geldi
he has become o oldu
has become aware farkında oldu
has become apparent belli oldu
has grown to become olmak için büyüdü
has become popular popüler oldu
it has become clear that belli oldu ki
has become due nedeniyle oldu
she has become o oldu
has since become o zamandan beri
has become the norm norm haline geldi
has become increasingly giderek arttı
has become clear netleşti
has become known bilinen oldu
has become increasingly important giderek daha önemli hale geldi
it has become popular popüler oldu